Sunday, October 30, 2011
Let's All Occupy Wall Street
America is in trouble! It's rich elite and corporate interests have bled us dry for their own pleasure. Our pension funds have been raped and pillaged! Jobs have been packed up and shipped off to Mexico or other third world countries. Our home values have been stripped away to the point that foreclosure is the only option for some. Medical costs are so unreasonably high that employee benefits are being reduced or elimated altogether! For graduating seniors and college students, there is no longer belief in former American ideals. The few jobs that are available don't pay enough to fund a home and family. It's as if Bernie Madoff has been running Washington for 30 years and no one knew! The American Ponzi scheme has reached the point that there isn't much more profit that can be had!
Then, along comes Occupy Wall Street. The following is a quote from their website...
Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.
This ows movement empowers real people to create real change from the bottom up. We want to see a general assembly in every backyard, on every street corner because we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society.
Their mission statement is long, but well worth reading...
As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.
As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments.
We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.
They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.
They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless nonhuman animals, and actively hide these practices.
They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.
They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.
They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.
They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.
They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.
They have sold our privacy as a commodity.
They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press.
They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.
They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.
They have donated large sums of money to politicians supposed to be regulating them. They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.
They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantive profit.
They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.
They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt.
They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts. *
To the people of the world,
We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power.
Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.
To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.
Join us and make your voices heard!
I like that! I also like the quote from George Zornick, in the article Why Occupy Wall Street has Left Washington Behind. "You know what you did. You have our stuff. Give it back." Also, look at this article showing four charts the protesters are angry about. There are some good video's on YouTube from the movement as well. Ready to join now?
The movement has even spread locally with a large group participating in Birmingham, Alabama.
As a card carrying member of the 99%, I fully support the movement. I do believe the 1% will eventually fight back, so don't believe they'll roll over and change their belief system(accumulating money/power). God's way is still best! Love for others IS the answer but the Bible and spiritual beliefs have been tossed under the bus years ago.
As Christians, most of us tend to be passive when it comes to fighting. We still follow the Good Book but haven't completely forgotten our Revolutionary War ancestors. We can put up quite a fight when duty calls! Our trust in the Republican party is all but gone now, as we look for individuals with statesmanship and backbone! The national party probably won't give us one(remember John McCain) and the Democrats are just along for the money ride!
I'm sure there is a master plan, because the Master has the plan. Join in with the 99% if you can, they can always use a few more good men like the Revolutionary War's Nathanael Greene. I'll leave you with a quote of his, It had been happy for me if I could have lived a private life in peace and plenty, enjoying all the happiness that results from a well-tempered society founded on mutual esteem. But the injury done my country, and the chains of slavery forging for all posterity, calls me forth to defend our common rights, and repel the bold invaders of the sons of freedom.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Fluoride Truth
It isn't commonly known, but more than 250 communities across North America have ended fluoridation since 1990. Truth is hard to keep hidden today and people are discovering just how dangerous this toxin is.
Like the dangerous pesticides that needed to be disposed of, Fluorspar had to go somewhere too... might as well make some money off of it, right? Fluorspar is a toxic byproduct of smelting of certain metals. In the 1940's, a few dentists in rural Colorado and Texas discovered(incorrectly), that fluoride was good for teeth. The industrialists latched onto the idea and the rest is a sad history. They've been poisoning us ever since!
Much of the fluoride used for water fluoridation is a man made industrial waste called fluorisilicic acid. Most comes from the smokestack scrubbers of phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida and even China. So, we decided to put this garbage in our drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Now, even the CDC has admitted that nay fluoride benefit would come from a topical application and not the mandatory medication we drink each day!
What does drinking the stuff do to us? Fluoride is so toxic it lies between lead and arsenic on the scale! It replaces necessary nutrients like calcium and iodine. It can damage many of our body's systems including teeth, bones, thyroid, kidneys, brain, and pineal gland. It accumulates in the body over many years and its effects can vary widely from bone cancer and osteoporosis to under active thyroid.
It is not surprising that only the United States, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand fluoridate their drinking water. The rest of Europe, Israel and Japan do not!
When we lived in Gadsden, my dentist was Dr. Mary Wallace. We argued quite a lot over fluoridation and I must admit she listened to my arguments and possibly even read the the written material I left with her. I could never convince her of the dangers. Dr. Wallace, like most other dentists have been seemingly brainwashed about the benefits of this dangerous toxin. I have read that those who openly disagree with the American Dental Association even risk disciplinary action. is a Pennsylvania based research and organizing center for grassroots environmental justice. Their water fluoridation page is an excellent source of info on the topic. The Fluoride Action Network is likewise a great source of info and list ways to take action in your community.
The mass medication of our country's citizens without regard to individual doses(large, men, women, children, babies) must stop! Some individuals are even extremely fluoride sensitive. Let's work to stop spending tax dollars on a medication that doesn't benefit anyone and only hurts!
Further research
Lead in purchased Chinese fluoride
Wikipedia on Fluoride
50 reasons to oppose fluoridation
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
October Baby
I want to dedicate this entire blog to the movie October Baby which will have a limited release this weekend in Alabama and Mississippi! The movie stars Rachel Hendrix & Jason Burkey, with Jasmine Guy and John Schneider also. It was brought to the big screen by Birmingham's own Erwin Brothers, Jon & Andrew.
Directly from the website...
OCTOBER BABY is a coming of age story of Hannah, a beautiful 19 year old college freshman. In spite of her energetic (if somewhat naïve) personality, Hannah has always felt like an outsider. Something is missing. She has always carried a deep-seated sense that she has no right to exist.
When she discovers she was adopted it comes as a shock, but Hannah's world is rocked even more when she learns why she was never told before – because she was the survivor of a failed abortion. Desperate for answers, she embarks on a road trip with some friends (including her oldest and closest friend Jason) to find her biological mother. In the process she unexpectedly discovers hope, love and forgiveness.
This uplifting and beautiful film may change the way you look at the world, your loved ones ... and life.
The trailer looks awesome and I believe as Christians we need to support this great cause. It's the type of movie that has the potential to change hearts and minds about abortion. The limited release is probably timed to help voters in Mississippi decide on Amendment 26. That Amendment, if passed, would acknowledge the personhood of every unborn child!
Check out these links & please go see the movie!
October Baby facebook page
October Baby Twitter page
Erwin Brothers
October Baby Trailer
Good source on pro-life news
UPDATE: Watched the movie on Fri, Oct 29th and it was excellent! The acting was superb and the cinematography was awesome! It's a first rate film that you shouldn't miss. I rate it a 10 on a scale of 1-10!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Uriah Principle
Just finished watching "What in the World Are They Spraying?" on YouTube. I watched it in honor of my previous weather hero, James Spann. I heard James say last week that there was no such thing as chemtrails and the weather hasn't changed in the past thirty years! Sorry James, you're wrong and you know it! I've heard that media types have to sign a non-disclosure agreement to keep their jobs. If that's the case, I'll forgive him a little. It would however, be better to stay away from the topic entirely if you have to lie about it.
Misinformation and conspiracy are nothing new to people in power. I'm reminded of the Bible story about David & Bathsheba. David was king and he wanted something that was unlawful to have, another man's wife. He just used what I call the Uriah principle to get it!
Poor Uriah stood directly in the way of David's desires... Let me first refresh your memory on our list of characters. Uriah was one of David's mighty men(37 in all) listed in 2 Samuel 23. He was also listed as an armor bearer of Joab, David's commander. Uriah was married to the beautiful Bathsheba, the daugher of Eliam, who was the son of Ahithophel. Ahithophel was one of David's counselors who the Bible comments that his word was considered as coming from God! David, was of course, the King of Israel! The man who had let authority run amok in his mind, to the point that stealing and murder were OK. Using the phrase quoted often today, the end justifies the means. It doesn't and never will if it breaks the laws of God!
Now, back to our story... David sent his troops off to battle and was enjoying a nice stroll on his castle wall one evening. He looks down and sees Bathsheba bathing. Wow, he thought, I want her! He inquired through his IRS, FBI, & CIA and discovered who she was. That alone should have stopped him but it did not! He invited her over to party, she goes home and later finds out she is pregnant. She emails the King, who begins conspiring on how to cover all this up. He tells Joab to send Uriah home for a visit... Loyal Uriah reports to David but won't leave the palace to visit his wife. David gets him drunk but he still won't go to his house. The King decides the ultimate solution. He writes the command to Joab to put Uriah in a hot spot of the battle and fall back away from him. Uriah carries his own death sentence back to Joab. Everything happens as planned, Bathsheba mourns the death of her husband, and then David takes her as a wife. The story doesn't actually end there.
This is really the beginning of David's kingship and family becoming unraveled. Bathsheba's child dies and David's son Absalom turns against him. It became a very sad time for Israel, all because of a ruler who put personal desires ahead of his subjects and God's laws.
The rulers today who have decreed it's okay to dump megatons of aluminum and barium into our skies, land, and lungs are guilty of the same. They have put themselves on false thrones and decreed their desire outweigh ours. They are stealing our good earth and turning it into a wasteland that only Genetically modified organisms from Monsanto can grow in. Those GMO's make populations sterile, sick, and will eventually kill us all through weakened immune systems!
This is a difficult blog to come up with a close. The end of our turmoil isn't in sight and I'm sure the worst hasn't begun. I do believe that God is in control and His will WILL be done! There may be forces fighting for us, even know that we don't know about! America seems to be in the firm grip of Satan right now and I hope we aren't seeing the events of Revelation played out. Please pray, not just for America but for all mankind! Don't let the Uriah principle destroy us!
Misinformation and conspiracy are nothing new to people in power. I'm reminded of the Bible story about David & Bathsheba. David was king and he wanted something that was unlawful to have, another man's wife. He just used what I call the Uriah principle to get it!
Poor Uriah stood directly in the way of David's desires... Let me first refresh your memory on our list of characters. Uriah was one of David's mighty men(37 in all) listed in 2 Samuel 23. He was also listed as an armor bearer of Joab, David's commander. Uriah was married to the beautiful Bathsheba, the daugher of Eliam, who was the son of Ahithophel. Ahithophel was one of David's counselors who the Bible comments that his word was considered as coming from God! David, was of course, the King of Israel! The man who had let authority run amok in his mind, to the point that stealing and murder were OK. Using the phrase quoted often today, the end justifies the means. It doesn't and never will if it breaks the laws of God!
Now, back to our story... David sent his troops off to battle and was enjoying a nice stroll on his castle wall one evening. He looks down and sees Bathsheba bathing. Wow, he thought, I want her! He inquired through his IRS, FBI, & CIA and discovered who she was. That alone should have stopped him but it did not! He invited her over to party, she goes home and later finds out she is pregnant. She emails the King, who begins conspiring on how to cover all this up. He tells Joab to send Uriah home for a visit... Loyal Uriah reports to David but won't leave the palace to visit his wife. David gets him drunk but he still won't go to his house. The King decides the ultimate solution. He writes the command to Joab to put Uriah in a hot spot of the battle and fall back away from him. Uriah carries his own death sentence back to Joab. Everything happens as planned, Bathsheba mourns the death of her husband, and then David takes her as a wife. The story doesn't actually end there.
This is really the beginning of David's kingship and family becoming unraveled. Bathsheba's child dies and David's son Absalom turns against him. It became a very sad time for Israel, all because of a ruler who put personal desires ahead of his subjects and God's laws.
The rulers today who have decreed it's okay to dump megatons of aluminum and barium into our skies, land, and lungs are guilty of the same. They have put themselves on false thrones and decreed their desire outweigh ours. They are stealing our good earth and turning it into a wasteland that only Genetically modified organisms from Monsanto can grow in. Those GMO's make populations sterile, sick, and will eventually kill us all through weakened immune systems!
This is a difficult blog to come up with a close. The end of our turmoil isn't in sight and I'm sure the worst hasn't begun. I do believe that God is in control and His will WILL be done! There may be forces fighting for us, even know that we don't know about! America seems to be in the firm grip of Satan right now and I hope we aren't seeing the events of Revelation played out. Please pray, not just for America but for all mankind! Don't let the Uriah principle destroy us!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
A Bumble Dog??
Do you ever watch Star Trek? Usually, just as the plot thickens and the only way to save the Enterprise or the entire Federation is an "away" team mission. Captain Kirk will choose about five of his crew for the mission. But you know, nothing is going to happen to the regular cast members. It's always the guy in the red shirt, that you've never seen before. You know before the transporter kicks on that he'll never make it back. He's the expendable crewman.
Nowadays, it's called collateral damage. In other words, there are always innocents killed in every wartime action. Fact is, there are lots of people killed in commercial actions. Greed has killed and is killing more people than all the wars combined! Now, to explain that, I need to back up a little and tell you how I arrived at that conclusion.
I recently watched two videos on Netflix. The first was entitled "Food Matters". It is an awesome documentary about the food we eat and where it comes from. It explains how good food will help you and will scare you about the safety of the food we normally consume. Between increasing the bottom line($$$) and making having food stay on the shelves longer, companies show no concern for our health! Sadly, our own watchdog, the FDA, relies mostly on companies research for their findings. I've known for a long time about the poor nutrition in our food. My wife purchased a wheat grinder several years ago and began making bread. I found that fresh wheat bread was my personal panacea for all my ills. I know it doesn't cure everything but in comparison to the bleached sandwich bread on grocery shelves it's food for the gods(little g)!
The other video was "Vanishing of the Bees". I remembered that bees were disappearing when I saw the title. I thought, "I'll see what they found by watching a little bit." Couldn't turn it off. Watched the whole 2 hours & 33 minutes and was ready to storm Monsanto & Bayer's walls in a frontal assault! It turns out that it's pesticides that have wiped out millions of bees. Bayer developed a pesticide that grows inside the plant. It's named "Imidachloprid" and there is an excellent article here. That article lists all the names the product is sold under, so look and be sure you are not using it accidentally! Again, the FDA is using the data that the company provided so it must be safe, right!? It is all about dollars not safety! Europe is way ahead of us on this issue!
I was shocked to learn the truth about pesticides. After WWII, chemical companies needed a market for all their wartime products. They just shifted the enemy from people to pests and marketed the killing stuff to farmers. Even if you know farmers who are careful what they use, you don't know where the grocery store food comes from and what has been put on it or in it! The average food now travels 2500 miles to the store! Organic and non-hybrid is the way to go. Be careful what you eat!
I can't mention Bayer without also calling attention to what Monsanto is doing. They develop hybrid seeds, plant them next to organic fields, then later sue the next door farmer because their wind blown seed has cross pollinated. His heirloom seed is now theirs and they have won that in court case after court case!!! Wake up America - we're being robbed of our health along with our money and the family farm!
I apologize to Wilson for using him as a prop. He isn't a bumble dog, just a sweet morkie. Dogs aren't supposed to be bees and pesticides shouldn't be on our food. Natural is normal and natural is healthy! Let's have no expendable people here!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Shelby Iron Fall Festival
Saturday, Judy & I visited the fall festival at Shelby Iron Park near Colubiana, Alabama. Shelby is an area with a rich history, especially during the Civil War era. It is located about five miles south of Columbiana on Shelby county highway 47. An earlier blog about the confederate cemetery nearby ties in well. That blog is here.
Horace Ware built a rolling mill here in 1860. It became Alabama's major supplier of Confederate iron. The mill and furnace were destroyed in 1865 by union troops under the command of Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson. After winning the Battle of Nashville, union forces had little opposition to conduct operations. Wilson's raid captured five fortified cities and destroyed furnaces at Shelby, Tannehill, Oxmoor, Irondale, and Brierfield. A short summary is here.
The Shelby furnace was rebuilt along with rail service in 1869. The tracks to the east are now mostly removed or under the water of Lay Lake from the construction of Alabama Power's first dam on the Coosa River. It was originally the Lock 12 Dam. It was renamed Lay dam in 1929. The rail tracks to the west(Calera) are owned by Dixie Railroad. There are plans to eventually rebuild the Waxahatchee bridge to allow for passenger service back to Shelby. Funding has not been obtained though.
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy the pictures and a little history.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Fix the Process
Hi, I'm an employee of AT&T and the following is just my opinion.
This is one of those blogs which some of you won't like. Remember, chestnut burrs are sharp and difficult to handle but there's a treat on the inside. That's the way truth is, sometimes it hurts a little.
Today was not an efficient dispatch day at work. First of all, everyone was invited to start at 7AM. Our group is divided into two shifts. Three come in at 7AM and get off at 4PM. EVERYONE else starts at 9AM and ends work at 6PM. We have this stupid shift because we missed two late uverse commitments. It wasn't long after that, the shift work started. In my opinion it was punishment for a process that needs to be improved. A premise technician has the ability to drop a uverse trouble in the outside maintenance load up to 5PM and it has to be covered that day. If that happens, someone HAS to stay late and cover it! Most of the time, the problem could have been fixed just as easy the next morning. If you're a maintenance technician with ATT don't even think YOU MATTER when you need to get off!
We had a light dispatch load not long ago, and I needed to get off an hour early to take our daughter across town. There was no way that I could make it getting off at my regular time, which then was 5PM. That week we were starting at 7AM anyway and when I asked if I could leave at 4PM(still 8 hrs), I was told the load was just too heavy and he just wasn't sure. "Ask again around 3"! Now, I'm not a person who asks for things like that very often. I'm not out sick very often... My numbers(MSOC) are okay... I thought, "you are not taking care of your people"! Needless to say, I didn't get off when I needed to.
But, I digress. Let me get back to today. Again, the dispatch load was very light, not many troubles, not many orders! But, we called the off day people in and invited the 9AM people in at 7AM. I worked one job then the computer said there was nothing available to be dispatched on. I contacted the dispatch center via computer chat and waited... and waited... Finally, a dispatcher came on and she couldn't find anything due today in either of the three exchanges I cover... She put me on hold for a load balance supervisor. Evidently, anything due another day, ie.. tomorrow, cannot be dispatched on without approval of a supervisor. Supervisor didn't answer, so we waited... and waited... and waited... I was tying her up(hurting her MSOC numbers), so she gave me the supervisor's number and dropped me to make the call direct. I called and got voicemail... !!! What a great system! I contacted my relieving supervisor. who said he would check and call me back! So I waited... and waited.... and waited.... Finally, I decided I'd hit the button again on my computer and see what happened. I got something, a service order. I am not a service order fan. It seems so asinine to be working orders when I should be clearing troubles or clearing defective cable problems where we have constant issues. But, if you want to send a bucket truck on a service order... ok, I'll go!
Finished that job and took lunch! Then, here we go again... No jobs available... ahhhhh!! I hate that! Chat connected with dispatch.... can't find anything.... notifying supervisor.... supervisor not answering... hold on.... waiting... waiting... waiting... supervisor not responding, here is his number for you to call... been there, done that... Finally got a job(3o min wait) and it was a doosey. Flow through service order that was never worked. Took me the rest of the day, thank goodness!
I know we are supposed to be a Six Sigma organization. Six Sigma is a business management strategy that addresses the improvement of processes to fix various issues that slow us down each day. It's not working! I know, as a upper management person you are not used to hearing such blasphemy, but it's the truth. Maybe, if you would allow your managers to be honest and not toe the line so much, a lot could be fixed. And what if, a little authority could be delegated back to the poor test center people to make a decision on their own. They aren't stupid! If there isn't any work for today, let them hand out a trouble due tomorrow. Do we have to micromanage everything?
Speaking of processes that don't work... the program we now use to send back defective circuit cards. It doesn't work! Whoever purchased it should be fired or made to pay back the stockholders money that bought it. It has the worst user interface I've ever seen, and I go all the way back to the Tandy-64! Furthermore, whoever ok'd the training program should also be fired! It took most of us three times to get through it because it threw so much information at us, so fast... concerning a program we wouldn't even see for three months! You made the test a mandatory pass for some reason! Did you take it? We still don't have a printer that will print our labels for returns. Come on, get rid of your yes men and hire some honest managers who will tell you the way things really are!
And by the way, we need some supplies. Our storerooms are very low on critical items. Storeroom personnel say they aren't allowed to order anything right now... Sounds like another process that needs fixing!
This is one of those blogs which some of you won't like. Remember, chestnut burrs are sharp and difficult to handle but there's a treat on the inside. That's the way truth is, sometimes it hurts a little.
Today was not an efficient dispatch day at work. First of all, everyone was invited to start at 7AM. Our group is divided into two shifts. Three come in at 7AM and get off at 4PM. EVERYONE else starts at 9AM and ends work at 6PM. We have this stupid shift because we missed two late uverse commitments. It wasn't long after that, the shift work started. In my opinion it was punishment for a process that needs to be improved. A premise technician has the ability to drop a uverse trouble in the outside maintenance load up to 5PM and it has to be covered that day. If that happens, someone HAS to stay late and cover it! Most of the time, the problem could have been fixed just as easy the next morning. If you're a maintenance technician with ATT don't even think YOU MATTER when you need to get off!
We had a light dispatch load not long ago, and I needed to get off an hour early to take our daughter across town. There was no way that I could make it getting off at my regular time, which then was 5PM. That week we were starting at 7AM anyway and when I asked if I could leave at 4PM(still 8 hrs), I was told the load was just too heavy and he just wasn't sure. "Ask again around 3"! Now, I'm not a person who asks for things like that very often. I'm not out sick very often... My numbers(MSOC) are okay... I thought, "you are not taking care of your people"! Needless to say, I didn't get off when I needed to.
But, I digress. Let me get back to today. Again, the dispatch load was very light, not many troubles, not many orders! But, we called the off day people in and invited the 9AM people in at 7AM. I worked one job then the computer said there was nothing available to be dispatched on. I contacted the dispatch center via computer chat and waited... and waited... Finally, a dispatcher came on and she couldn't find anything due today in either of the three exchanges I cover... She put me on hold for a load balance supervisor. Evidently, anything due another day, ie.. tomorrow, cannot be dispatched on without approval of a supervisor. Supervisor didn't answer, so we waited... and waited... and waited... I was tying her up(hurting her MSOC numbers), so she gave me the supervisor's number and dropped me to make the call direct. I called and got voicemail... !!! What a great system! I contacted my relieving supervisor. who said he would check and call me back! So I waited... and waited.... and waited.... Finally, I decided I'd hit the button again on my computer and see what happened. I got something, a service order. I am not a service order fan. It seems so asinine to be working orders when I should be clearing troubles or clearing defective cable problems where we have constant issues. But, if you want to send a bucket truck on a service order... ok, I'll go!
Finished that job and took lunch! Then, here we go again... No jobs available... ahhhhh!! I hate that! Chat connected with dispatch.... can't find anything.... notifying supervisor.... supervisor not answering... hold on.... waiting... waiting... waiting... supervisor not responding, here is his number for you to call... been there, done that... Finally got a job(3o min wait) and it was a doosey. Flow through service order that was never worked. Took me the rest of the day, thank goodness!
I know we are supposed to be a Six Sigma organization. Six Sigma is a business management strategy that addresses the improvement of processes to fix various issues that slow us down each day. It's not working! I know, as a upper management person you are not used to hearing such blasphemy, but it's the truth. Maybe, if you would allow your managers to be honest and not toe the line so much, a lot could be fixed. And what if, a little authority could be delegated back to the poor test center people to make a decision on their own. They aren't stupid! If there isn't any work for today, let them hand out a trouble due tomorrow. Do we have to micromanage everything?
Speaking of processes that don't work... the program we now use to send back defective circuit cards. It doesn't work! Whoever purchased it should be fired or made to pay back the stockholders money that bought it. It has the worst user interface I've ever seen, and I go all the way back to the Tandy-64! Furthermore, whoever ok'd the training program should also be fired! It took most of us three times to get through it because it threw so much information at us, so fast... concerning a program we wouldn't even see for three months! You made the test a mandatory pass for some reason! Did you take it? We still don't have a printer that will print our labels for returns. Come on, get rid of your yes men and hire some honest managers who will tell you the way things really are!
And by the way, we need some supplies. Our storerooms are very low on critical items. Storeroom personnel say they aren't allowed to order anything right now... Sounds like another process that needs fixing!
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