Do you ever watch Star Trek? Usually, just as the plot thickens and the only way to save the Enterprise or the entire Federation is an "away" team mission. Captain Kirk will choose about five of his crew for the mission. But you know, nothing is going to happen to the regular cast members. It's always the guy in the red shirt, that you've never seen before. You know before the transporter kicks on that he'll never make it back. He's the expendable crewman.
Nowadays, it's called collateral damage. In other words, there are always innocents killed in every wartime action. Fact is, there are lots of people killed in commercial actions. Greed has killed and is killing more people than all the wars combined! Now, to explain that, I need to back up a little and tell you how I arrived at that conclusion.
I recently watched two videos on Netflix. The first was entitled "Food Matters". It is an awesome documentary about the food we eat and where it comes from. It explains how good food will help you and will scare you about the safety of the food we normally consume. Between increasing the bottom line($$$) and making having food stay on the shelves longer, companies show no concern for our health! Sadly, our own watchdog, the FDA, relies mostly on companies research for their findings. I've known for a long time about the poor nutrition in our food. My wife purchased a wheat grinder several years ago and began making bread. I found that fresh wheat bread was my personal panacea for all my ills. I know it doesn't cure everything but in comparison to the bleached sandwich bread on grocery shelves it's food for the gods(little g)!
The other video was "Vanishing of the Bees". I remembered that bees were disappearing when I saw the title. I thought, "I'll see what they found by watching a little bit." Couldn't turn it off. Watched the whole 2 hours & 33 minutes and was ready to storm Monsanto & Bayer's walls in a frontal assault! It turns out that it's pesticides that have wiped out millions of bees. Bayer developed a pesticide that grows inside the plant. It's named "Imidachloprid" and there is an excellent article here. That article lists all the names the product is sold under, so look and be sure you are not using it accidentally! Again, the FDA is using the data that the company provided so it must be safe, right!? It is all about dollars not safety! Europe is way ahead of us on this issue!
I was shocked to learn the truth about pesticides. After WWII, chemical companies needed a market for all their wartime products. They just shifted the enemy from people to pests and marketed the killing stuff to farmers. Even if you know farmers who are careful what they use, you don't know where the grocery store food comes from and what has been put on it or in it! The average food now travels 2500 miles to the store! Organic and non-hybrid is the way to go. Be careful what you eat!
I can't mention Bayer without also calling attention to what Monsanto is doing. They develop hybrid seeds, plant them next to organic fields, then later sue the next door farmer because their wind blown seed has cross pollinated. His heirloom seed is now theirs and they have won that in court case after court case!!! Wake up America - we're being robbed of our health along with our money and the family farm!
I apologize to Wilson for using him as a prop. He isn't a bumble dog, just a sweet morkie. Dogs aren't supposed to be bees and pesticides shouldn't be on our food. Natural is normal and natural is healthy! Let's have no expendable people here!
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