Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2 + 2 = 5

     I just finished reading George Orwell’s book 1984.  Written in the year 1949, it seems to be either political prophecy or a playbook for controlling the masses.   In it’s day, it was a dark omen announcing where government was heading.  In our day, it's really just old news. Technology has advanced way ahead of Orwell’s fictional society.  It’s a land(Oceania) where the Ministry of Truth can make you believe that 2 + 2 = 5 by whatever it takes…

     I imagine the conspiracies contained within the book are the same ones within all governments.  All ruling bodies feel threatened and are willing to use any means necessary to hold onto power.  Governments also want the ability to spy upon citizens.   In the book that happens through the telescreen.  The telescreen is a two-way television that delivers propaganda to the masses and yet watches and listens to them as well.  Just think of the myriad of devices that accomplish that today, from satellites, to computers, to cell phones.  Every internet click you’ve made can be recovered by an unknown “Big Brother”!  A good movie which can be eye opening to this process is the 1998 movie “Enemy of the State”.  Even the technology displayed there is over a decade old!

     The sad thing is that our American government is just as guilty of doing unchristian things as any other.  I have come to realize that my own government does not have my best interest at heart.  It has it’s own best interest at heart and is willing to sacrifice mine in a moments notice.  I wholeheartedly disagree with many of their actions from encouraging and financing abortion to extending our military presence around the world.  I have to pay taxes to a power that doesn’t have a Christian worldview.  With the U.S. debt about to overcome us, our country still pours out money to evil regimes around the world.  There were several payouts mentioned in the WikiLeaks documents that embarrassed Washington.  This morning, I learned we were remodeling several mosques in Egypt!  Really, look at this report from WSB in Atlanta.

     I’m sure that will be pulled down shortly.  I also read we promised money to Saudi Arabia to get onboard with “global warming”!    I’m ready for American dollars to stay in America, along with American jobs! 

     There are those who say Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics and that we shouldn’t try to mold public opinion.  Hey, the majority of our founding fathers were Christians who believed in the One God of the Bible!  They just made a terrible mistake by not giving all elected officials term limits! 
     We may live in an Orwellian society, but that can’t stop us from striving for something better! 

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. “ G. Orwell

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