Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Fluoride Truth


     It isn't commonly known, but more than 250 communities across North America have ended fluoridation since 1990.  Truth is hard to keep hidden today and people are discovering just how dangerous this toxin is.

     Like the dangerous pesticides that needed to be disposed of,  Fluorspar had to go somewhere too... might as well make some money off of it, right?  Fluorspar is a toxic byproduct of smelting of certain metals.  In the 1940's, a few dentists in rural Colorado and Texas discovered(incorrectly), that fluoride was good for teeth.  The industrialists latched onto the idea and the rest is a sad history.  They've been poisoning us ever since!

     Much of the fluoride used for water fluoridation is a man made industrial waste called fluorisilicic acid.  Most comes from the smokestack scrubbers of phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida and even China.  So, we decided to put this garbage in our drinking water to prevent tooth decay.  Now, even the CDC has admitted that nay fluoride benefit would come from a topical application and not the mandatory medication we drink each day!

     What does drinking the stuff do to us?  Fluoride is so toxic it lies between lead and arsenic on the scale!  It replaces necessary nutrients like calcium and iodine.  It can damage many of our body's systems including teeth, bones, thyroid, kidneys, brain, and pineal gland.  It accumulates in the body over many years and its effects can vary widely from bone cancer and osteoporosis to under active thyroid.

     It is not surprising that only the United States, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand fluoridate their drinking water.  The rest of Europe, Israel and Japan do not!

     When we lived in Gadsden, my dentist was Dr. Mary Wallace.  We argued quite a lot over fluoridation and I must admit she listened to my arguments and possibly even read the the written material I left with her.  I could never convince her of the dangers.  Dr. Wallace, like most other dentists have been seemingly brainwashed about the benefits of this dangerous toxin.  I have read that those who openly disagree with the American Dental Association even risk disciplinary action. is a Pennsylvania based research and organizing center for grassroots environmental justice.  Their water fluoridation page is an excellent source of info on the topic.  The Fluoride Action Network is likewise a great source of info and list ways to take action in your community. 

     The mass medication of our country's citizens without regard to individual doses(large, men, women, children, babies) must stop!  Some individuals are even extremely fluoride sensitive.  Let's work to stop spending tax dollars on a medication that doesn't benefit anyone and only hurts!

Further research
Lead in purchased Chinese fluoride

Wikipedia on Fluoride

50 reasons to oppose fluoridation

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