Thursday, October 9, 2014

If I Were President

I was sitting in the living room this morning drinking my coffee and watching the news.  It all seemed to be bad and most of the stories had something to do with what the President should or shouldn't have done.  I thought, "maybe I could be a better President".  Granted, I'm a conservative with a Biblical worldview.  I also feel the Republican party is soft when it comes to pressing the issues they get elected on.  My ideas concerning business are vastly different from the majority of the Republican Party as well.  Both Democrats and Republicans have a tremendous amount of money thrown at them from corporations.   Their loyalty to the American citizen, with his empty pockets, has to be questioned. 
Having said that, let me give you my thoughts on occupying the oval office.
If I were President...
I would fight to end abortion from day one!  If congress fully supported me, it would be illegal by the end of my first day in office.
The United States border would be secured quickly.  It would be guarded by troops and the most sophisticated equipment available.  
All those who are in this country, illegally, would have ninety days to leave.   After that, they would be transported to the nearest border!  Being born on or above American soil would NOT grant you citizenship.  You may become a citizen through proper channels.
Full employment would have a high priority in my administration.  The jobs vacated by illegals would immediately be filled by Americans.  I would encourage grants to businesses for hiring additional workers and moving jobs back from overseas.  There would be supplemental pay for older workers.  This would encourage those nearing retirement to leave early, thereby opening up additional positions for our graduates.
Companies who have moved offshore would find their products can no longer cross the border without additional costs.  If you sell it here, it must be made here!  Greed must take a backseat to the American workers.
I would encourage the rewriting of Corporate laws so that shareholders no longer come first.  Corporations would have to be responsible to the communities where they are located and must demonstrate how they have "assisted" that community and state through various and diverse projects.  CEO's and corporate hierarchy could not be paid more than a proper multiplier of the lowest employee's wage.  Corporate greed must be "reined in" if America is to succeed.  I would strongly encourage business to also end the process of exorbitant bonuses to management.  Those bonuses drive worker abuse through unneeded stress and change the focus of the business to a numbers game.
I would strongly discourage corporate mergers.  Bigger is never better.  It always costs jobs, raises product costs to pay for the lawyers, and destroys competition.  I would strongly encourage new business startups and mid-size business grants for additional production and jobs.
I would vastly change the IRS.  America needs a flat tax and a simple tax code.  When it's simple, there will be less abuse and no confusion.  Anywhere from 8 to 10 percent seems like a good number to start with, but it would have to be capped based on income.  Some could afford 10 percent, while others could not.
Congress would also have to send me a balanced budget every year.  We must pay the debt down and become self sufficient.  Our financial system has had too many pigs at the trough for too many years.  Things will change.  There would be no spending based on "buying votes".  That will be illegal and some Congressmen would find themselves behind bars for stealing taxpayer dollars.
I would put America back on the gold standard and audit the Federal Reserve!  I would tell the European bankers that the dollar will be in great demand very soon and it would be in their best interest to stand back and not interfere.  
We would slowly ween most non-handicapped citizens off welfare.  If you are able to work, we will find a satisfactory job where you can work and earn a salary.  People who earn incomes tend to be happier and less of a burden on society.  This would also help the crime rate in most of our larger cities.  
The Department of Education would be closed and those responsibilities handed off to the various states.  We would have fifty laboratories of the best and brightest in education.  States could work with each other to choose the best methods for learning.  Education is always best when left to the local and state level. 
My environmental protection would be very strong.  We only have one place to live and we will keep it clean and healthy.  I would reexamine "fracking" very closely.  If ground water is being contaminated, I would stop the process through executive order. 
The process of solar radiation management, also known as geo-engineering, would halt.  The process sprays too many chemicals on our citizens and is changing the ph balance of our soils.  
My administration would take an "America First" policy.  If you want to be our friend, that's great.  Want a Jihad, we'll give you one that will not be "soon forgotten".  We would fully support Israel with no reservations.  We would not discourage Israel from dealing with ANY of her problems and would be standing as backup if needed!  It would be a tag-team you will only fight once.
I would encourage congress to pass "term limits" laws for all offices.  Our founding fathers never intended for political dynasties to develop. We need fresh faces and fresh ideas in Washington.  The best way to do that is through limiting our politicians terms in office.  Judges also need to be limited in their time of service.  There should be NO lifetime appointments!
America was founded on Christian principles and the majority of our founders were believers in the Bible.  The organized effort to destabilize religion in this country would cease.  You don't have to be a Bible believer to live here but you would never be able to force your non-belief on others.  The efforts to remove religious symbols, religious activities, and religion in general would not be tolerated.  Everyone has a right to worship as they please and your rights end where theirs begin.  With that said, mosques tend to be places of terrorist education and religious subversion.  They would be watched closely for signs of trouble and closed down immediately at ANY incident involving injury to others or American property!  
America has always been a "melting pot" and a good one.  We've been made stronger with legal immigrants who wished to live here peacefully and meld into society.  They learned English, started businesses, raised children, and helped others.  I would be very intolerant of terrorists who come here with the intention of transforming America into their third world country.  You would live longer staying in your own country during my administration.
Hope this hasn't been too hard on you liberals.  American history shows the ideas that work and that lift up the populace to prosperity.  Your ideas have moved us down on every list imaginable.  Help us rebuild America to the power and prestige she deserves.  She can once again be a light to the world for freedom, bravery, and democracy.  

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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