Friday, January 13, 2012

Tim Tebow

     I admire Tim Tebow.  Tim has done tremendous things for Christianity just by being who he is, a committed Christian.   He stands as an example for us all, on what we could have done for the King of Kings.  Now, most of us can't be a leading player in the NFL and get the media attention that Tim has, but we can certainly be just as faithful!  I must admit however, as I look at Tim, and compare what I believe my faith to be, it is far weaker than his.  That's why we need a Tim Tebow, someone to look up to and say to ourselves, "I can do that".
We can speak up and be proud of our beliefs in Christ when the world around us seems to hate Him. 

     That's why Tim amazes me so.  He'll stare right into the camera and thank Jesus for all He's done and be humble at the same time to his own abilities.  In our "I'm the best" society it obviously drives the media crazy.  I watched CBS this morning and the group was talking about Tebow and his faith, and the peer pressure went the other way.  Charlie was the only one of the four who kept putting Tim down.  Can it only take one good guy to make people stand up and say, "Hey, I'm a Christian too"?

     I'm willing to let Tim be our quarterback and media spokesman as we play for the championship of souls life game.  It's an ongoing struggle of good verses evil where the outcome is already known!  There isn't any reason to check the Vegas line on this one.  Believers in Christ will win, the Book says so.  I used to cringe when I was a member of the Church of Christ and a preacher would stand up in the pulpit and say we were the only ones going to Heaven.  Even then, I knew the bus could hold more, and it does!  If you're a Christian, a believer in Christ, you have reservations for a championship party that will last throughout eternity.

     We don't say that in a gloating manner, we're just happy to be going!  Heaven can hold a lot more too!  Understand though, you may need to leave some baggage you've been carrying.  Sin is heavy and you just can't take it with you.  Let Jesus take care of it and you can travel lite, along with us.  Mormons, Muslims, Jews and others are welcome too!  You've just got to change your mind about who Jesus is!  Jesus is the Messiah who was prophesied to save us from the beginning.  Jesus is going to return and take the church(believers) with Him.  It's just that easy and that simple!

     Thanks Tim Tebow for being an inspiration to others.  Thanks for helping us all to stand up and be counted!

  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

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