Monday, January 2, 2012

Fracking Crazy!

     Fracking has become very popular these days.  Just in case you don't know, fracking is the process of drilling into the earth's rock layer and using hydraulic pressure, creating a fissure to allow the release of underground gas or oil.  The process is very controversial because ground water contamination seems to oftentimes be the result.  But where money is to be made, environmental and health issues are usually overlooked or ignored(think FDA). 

     In December, Rick Perry even surprised everyone by bringing up the topic in an Iowa town hall meeting.  He claimed there is "no proof that fracking causes groundwater pollution".  There were actually objections from the audience.  Rick isn't necessarily a bastion of concern for others, as in the case of the mandatory vaccinations he wanted to force upon young girls in the state of Texas.  The Gardasil vaccine made by Merck has a history of side effects including death.  Mr. Perry had some deep ties with Merck according to this article.  So as usual, you have to follow the money trail and be as skeptical as possible.  I believe most of our politicians are corrupt anyway, which is the very reason I'm supporting Ron Paul this year. 

     Some states are beginning to wake up to the environmental dangers of fracking.  Starting April 1, oil and gas companies in Colorado will be required to disclose the chemicals used and the concentrations of each.  Colorado, Wyoming, Arkansas, and Texas all have disclosure laws but that still doesn't do anything to end the practice altogether.  It is so odd to me that our government can preach green standards but drop aluminum and barium through chemtrails, then allow drilling to place chemicals in our groundwater!  Even the EPA is beginning to question fracking in a report issued December 8, 2011 from a Wyoming fracking site.  That report linked hydraulic fracturing in Wyoming to ground water contamination. 

     Another danger, one possibly far more serious, is the question posed by many who live near fracking wells.  Does hydraulic fracking cause earthquakes?  Now, before you reject this entirely, think about all the recent earthquakes in the news.  There are usually several each day and they often can be traced to a fracking well being nearby.  For instance, I follow Dutchsince on his YouTube channel.  He has a great method of getting the coordinates of earthquakes off the USGS page then putting them in Google Earth to zoom in to that location.  Look at this, it's a good example

     Obviously, not every earthquake is manmade, but it seems to me that many are.  How can we be good stewards, who take care of our earthly home and still allow such an evil process?  I believe God created the earth and that we should not destroy it.  We are supposed to take care of it and thereby allow it to nourish us!  I like the "leave no trace" principle while hiking.  Many outdoor enthusiast practice it.  When you hike a trail or visit a park, it should be like it was, or better when you leave.  It certainly should be no worst!  Reminds me of a quote by Daniel Webster, "Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens."

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