Monday, August 22, 2011

The Presidential Weigh In

     The 2012 presidential campaign is still in it's early stages, but I though I would weigh in on the Republican candidates.  There is a long list of declared and almost declared.  A GOP website listed the following and I'll give my opinion about each.

Michele Bachmann - Good Tea Party member.  Conservative views and very pro-life!  Not an extremely good speaker but OK.  She needs to get rid of the handler who mixed her up on Elvis Presley's birthday.  Her husband Marcus is a clinical therapist.   Maybe he could help counsel Democrats if Michele is elected.  They have five children and have provided foster care for twenty-three others.

Herman Cain - I like Mr. Cain.  He is a great speaker and very conservative.  He is the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza and has a radio show in Atlanta, Georgia.  Listen to his speech at CPAC here, it is excellent!  He is pro-life and pro-family!

Newt Gingrich - There was a time I thought Newt should be president, but not any more!  With his resignation in 1999 of his Speakership and congressional seat, he carried his presidential hopes with him.  He was even having an affair with a House staffer during the Lewinsky scandal!  His sister is a major gay rights activist, so I would worry about his views.  My advice for Newt would be to quit and go home!

Jon Huntsman - A devout Mormon who has worked in the Obama administration.  Very liberal in several views and an advocate for gay civil unions.  He is the former Governor of Utah and past Ambassador to China.  I don't feel good about Mr. Huntsman!

Ron Paul - My favorite until Rick Perry joined the contest.  Ron is plain speaking and exudes common sense.  His ideas are radical and would be unacceptable by a government bureaucracy entrenched by years of wasteful spending.  His views on finance and education are right-on and I would consider him a true statesman!

Mitt Romney - A Harvard business Grad and former Massachusetts Governor.  Mitt is a venture capitalist and former CEO of two companies.  He is an active member of the Mormon church, even serving as a missionary for 30 months in France.  His views have grown more conservative over the years, even changing from pro-choice to pro-life.  I just can't get excited about a Romney presidential run.  Sorry! 

Rick Santorum - A lawyer and former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania.  Excellent conservative views and a track record for standing up for his beliefs!  Rick is a great guy who would make a great president.  He and his wife Karen have seven children and are devout Catholics.

 Rick Perry - Texas Governor and my current #1 pick.  Conservatives are fed up with Republicans who go to Washington and just blend into the woodwork.  We're sick of candidates taking Christians to the dance but leave them sitting alone while their attention is placed elsewhere.  Anyone who would threaten Washington that His state may want to secede from the union is my kind of candidate!  Let's face it, the Tea Party wouldn't exist if Republicans had a little backbone!  Go Rick!

What about the rest?
Buddy Roemer - No chance!
Tom Miller - No chance!
Jimmy McMillan - No chance!
Thad McCotter - No chance!
Andy Martin - No chance!
Fred Karger - Gay Rights Activist - No way!
Gary Johnson - Again, No way!
Vern Wuensche - No chance!
John Bolton - Stop already!
Rudy Giuliani - NO!
Roy Moore - Great views, but no chance!
Sarah Palin - Undeclared, no comment yet!

Tim Pawlenty - I liked T-Paw.  He's a great Christian politician.  The media didn't give him a chance so there was very little coverage.  Sad that he bailed, but there has to be money to run a machine.

     There's my early thoughts on the candidates.  It will be interesting when the field gets whittled down to the winner.  Who do I think can beat President Obama?  Anyone on the list and actually anyone not on the list!

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