Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Earth Day 2012

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
      reflecting our nature
   So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
      the birds in the air, the cattle,
   And, yes, Earth itself,
      and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”
   God created human beings;
      he created them godlike,
   Reflecting God’s nature.
      He created them male and female.
   God blessed them:
      ”Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
   Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
      for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”
  Then God said, “I’ve given you
      every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth
   And every kind of fruit-bearing tree,
      given them to you for food.
   To all animals and all birds,
      everything that moves and breathes,
   I give whatever grows out of the ground for food.”
      And there it was.

That passage is Genesis 1:27-29 from The Message version of the Bible.   The shortened version would say that God created earth and placed us here to take care of it, till He comes back.  If you consider Jesus parable of the talents in Matthew 25, then it is very possible we may have to answer for our poor stewardship.  Let’s face it, humans have been brutal to our home planet!

If the earth itself brought us up on charges of misconduct with God as judge, there isn’t a lawyer in the cosmos that could even get us leniency.  Our list of abuse is long and sorrowful, and the worst is that we don’t even show remorse or repentance.  Repentance being that point where we say “ok, enough is enough,” and we begin to allow our planet to heal, that concept is completely anathema to us!

I’m old enough to remember the anti-litter commercials where an American Indian is standing beside the highway when a car passes and throws out a bag of garbage.  The camera panned back to a closeup of the man’s face to see a tear running down.  That commercial concept could be repeated in every nation and country on the planet, just pick a race and we can all cry a bucket of tears.  There is still little change.

Litter is the cosmetic problem.  It’s ugly and unsightly, like plastic bags hanging in the trees.  Fast food restaurant debris is still tossed out of cars, but we’ve evolved way beyond that.  Last week, the Bureau of Land Management announced their approval of “fracking” in the pristine Talladega National Forrest, here in Alabama.  Fracking is where the most toxic chemicals known to man are pumped underground to fracture rock, allowing natural gas and other minerals to be mined.  Fracking always poisons ground water!  Let’s all thank government bureaucracy for allowing enormous profits to be made at the expense of our planet’s health!

The British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, was another ecological disaster whose full effects won’t be known for years.  On the local news this morning, there was a report that some shrimp were being born without eyes and that fish were being found with odd lesions.  Should we even allow a process such as “deep water drilling” to occur when the risk of disaster is so high?  Politicians of course say “yes, because the oil companies need more profits.”  Obviously, a gazillion dollars per CEO means a little graft and corruption flows to the re-election fund.

HAARP antenna array
HAARP antenna array (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My favorite waste of money and planet abuse culprit is the military establishment.  They cause everything from bombs being dropped to depleted uranium bullets.  There are forgotten buried mines and IEDs just waiting for any non-combatant to be injured or killed.  Military planes spew a toxic mix of chemicals in our sky and bombard it with microwave energy from HAARP to control the weather.  I won’t blame President Obama for starting it all, but he has done nothing to stop it either!  It’s been a long time since the natural weather cycles were allowed to take place.  But I remember, it all worked ok without dollars and health being spent to manipulate.  We just experienced the warmest month of March on record, so the new system isn’t working very well.  Yes, global warming is real and we caused it!  We can stop it by turning off the atmospheric heater called HAARP!  Propagandist will claim that all this is just myth spewed by angry conspiracist.  Some conspiracy, you can see it on the weather radar!

Planet abuse couldn’t be discussed without touching on our food supply a little.  It used to be natural, organic, but NOT ANY MORE!  We are inundated with hybrid foods created in the laboratory.  They have less in the way of what our bodies need to survive and more of what causes our bodies to deteriorate.  However, the flip side of that is that mega-farm owners and corporations have increased profits.  Our FDA is of course on top of things by approving profits over healthy consumers.  Corporations even create hybrid plants, put them out in the wild, and the cross-pollination causes an organic farmer to lose his crop or even worse, the entire farm through law suits filed by companies.  I hate to mention names but Monsanto is one of the worst culprits!

We have huge mono-farms raising everything from trees to pigs and chickens.  You won’t find anything like it in nature.  Nature has a variety of plants because it is a complete eco-system.  Everything needs each other and the waste is taken care of naturally and not in abundance, say like a chicken house!  If you were to visit a modern chicken house where the birds are given a chemical mix to make them grow faster and heavier while living on top of their own excrement, I’m sure chicken wouldn’t be on the menu!  The chemicals/antibiotics that all food animals receive flow directly to us.  Have you noticed larger people around you lately?

If you would like to wash down that hybrid food with a glass of water… better think again.  Fertilizers, fluoride, and pharmaceuticals are all found in that glass of unhealthy liquid.  I mentioned earlier that fracking poisons ground water for profits.  We poison it as well by flushing the toilet.  Most sewage treatment plants do a poor job cleaning up what we messed up!  I know indoor toilets are nice, but they really aren’t natural either.  Our bodies are 70% water so we need good clean water to survive.

It doesn’t make sense to me that we’ll go to war over religion, but won’t over environmental disasters.  Terrorists blow themselves up to kill infidels, but obviously consider killing the planet to make a buck, okay.

Looking at the body of evidence, we should have done a better job!

Camera pans to your face

tear running down…

Guilty, as charged!

Originally published April 22, 2012 at Thechestnutburr.com

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